Yoga 101 Reflections...

I am grateful for beginning yoga students...

Our four weeks went by so fast! We Om'd, Stretched, Laughed, Bent, Breathed, Played, Folded, Balanced,Twisted, Extended, Fell, Talked, Rested and so on....

These beginners really upped my game, they were so very open, receptive and honest about what was being offered, it is so freeing to approach life this way, they did not hold back a grimance, moan or spare me the looks like "what the ____ did she just say to do? Seriously?" I had to be so clear in my teaching & demonstrations...AND they also didn't hold back their gratitude or bright beautiful smiles either. It was fun, hard, deep, wonderful!
They made me a better teacher as I was reminded of all there is yet to learn and how we truly do begin again each time we step on the yoga mat or into our lives with a willing heart.
So even though I may never uncover all the wonders of this ancient practice or totally understand how & why it's many gifts manifest in our lives, what I do know is that from someplace deep within I have to share it...this awesome group reminded me why....
With  Deepest Respect & Big Bright Friday Love,


  1. and I know your students are grateful for you!!! Just had to stop by and say Hi...


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