Buffet or Menu?

My teacher Linda Oelschlaeger encouraged me to attend a workshop with Desiree Rumbaugh this past weekend. WOW! I am so glad I went...she is an amazing teacher...so full of life, radiant, joyous, funny, skillful... I can't think of enough words to describe her brightness. The workshop was divided into three sessions: Standing Poses & Back Bends, Hip Openers & Forward Bends, Inversions & Arm Balances. All were very challenging, fun, & I felt totally safe! I can't always use all three descriptions about the same practice, good stuff!
I must confess I used to be quite the workshop junkie, signing up for every workshop within a 100 mile radius. While I've had the opportunity to study with some awesome teachers I've recently become more discerning with my yoga education dollars. I think it is good to try many different approaches/styles so that you know what speaks to your own heart and when you find it go deeply into it's teachings. It's sort of like I went to the yoga buffet for a few years before I decided what I wanted to order from the menu.
