There she goes...


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I am Grateful for Maggie...

So how did we get here? Didn't I just peel her off my leg at preschool???...well here we are...her "last first" day of High School...I see some "Letting Go", "Look for the Good", "Be Open to Change" "Savor the Moment" yoga themes for our classes in the near future! Hope you can join me...


  1. I, too, am facing some major changes in my life. Although it is bittersweet to see these little ones God places into our care go through the transitions of life, it is also very affirming. You have done your job well, Mom. She is a young lady filled with confidence and strength because you knew when to let go and let God!

  2. Nan,
    You have raised such a sweet, beautiful, caring, wise, and lovely young lady. It has been a pleasure of mine to watch Maggie grow over the past few years. She radiates with love for Jesus. Thank you for her life, and I admire the relationship you two have!
    Blessings, Kristy C.


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