I am Grateful for girlfriends...
These are photos from my Barbie meetup in ATL this Summer. We try to get together to visit at least once a year, sometimes it happens sometimes not. It doesn't matter how long it's been since we visited the conversation just flows like a really good vinyasa class a really good vinyasa class. She is one of those rare keeper friends who truly love you no matter what and she is not even related, so she doesn't have to! On those dark, difficult, challenging unbloggable days when I find myself the only guest at a self imposed pity party, I know I can call Barbie (I usually forget the time difference - she lives near Seattle and thankfully has an understanding husband) She will listen sans the judgement, offer encouragement, Love or just let me blab and softly cry along with me, interjecting a um, ooh, or yeah at just the right time. On one such call
last week she let me go on for a while then said "Hey I'm reading this really good book called Having a Merry Spirit so in my sarcastic tone I replied I could use a Merry Spirit right about now. Later that day she texted me "A Mary Spirit is on it's way to you" I thought it was a typo, Barbie who was an English major and is always correcting my spelling for me (she is the human version of Spellcheck) had messed up. Anyway I got the book a few days later "Having a Mary Spirit" by Joanna Weaver a wonderful book about serving God with grace & strength as well as finding hope, healing, wholeness, and joy. Just what I needed at just the right time. Thank you sweet Babs for always leaving me with a Merry Heart because of your Mary Heart! XOXO
Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
Aww... SO SWEET :) I hope someday i can find a pair of friends like you and my mom!! Visits soon :) XOXO
ReplyDeleteOh dear Charlotte, I am sure you will! Miss you tons. Love & Hugs all around, Nannie