Jackson leaves for his second year at ECU tomorrow...when he was in 5th grade he wrote in a paper, "I wish I could rewind the Summer"it was back when you had to rewind videos, and he used that phrase to describe his school break, the teacher loved it & so do I. I feel like that now...it's been a great summer but it sure did go by fast. When he left for College last year, I was so very sad for quite some time, I mean 18 years and then what? That's when I first encountered the world of Blogs (all kinds of Blogs, empty nest, self help, yoga, fitness, food so much information out there that I never knew existed. I've admitted more than once that techno-savvy I am not, I don't facebook, etc.) it was good to learn that others had felt the same way and see how they coped with it, having that cyber connection and support was nice. I'm not sure how this parting will be, we're helping him move into his first apartment, I'm writing this between doing loads of laundry and as I stack up his linens on the dining room table I can feel that familiar heaviness beginning to creep into my chest. Get ready for my classes to focus on "Letting Go" for the next few weeks as I work through this transition again... teaching what I most need to learn...
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