I am Grateful for shopping with Susan...
Wednesday Susan learned her Dr. had scheduled a MRI to be done on Friday before her meeting with the surgeon on Monday. It's another diagnostic tool that gives the doctors more information about the cancer and to check and see if the other breast is involved. We arrived and went to the MRI department (not sure if we were in the right building or not? lots of new information,directions, doctors, technicians, paperwork to process and get familiar with? confusing for me it must be really tough for Susan who actually undergoes the procedure), the receptionist asked where she was having the MRI done? we looked at each other and said "well we're not sure we thought here?" she smiled and said "no, I mean where on your body are you having it done" the tension of the morning was immediately released with a good laugh and we were directed to the other area that specializes in breast screening. In the waiting area they have a wall with about 12 survivor photos on it, Susan looked at me and said "I'd feel better if they had a few more pictures up there" more laughter...a bit more subdued this time. After she was finished we left, had a nice lunch and went shopping, Health Food Store, Costco, Best Buy and Old Navy, lots of laughter later she got a call from the radiologist with the MRI results. There was one additional area on the right breast that the mammogram had not revealed and the left breast appears to be clear. We are grateful they found the other area before surgery and that it is not in the other breast. Susan said "like my boys, still only one problem child to deal with" more laughter. She has such a great outlook and we had such a good day! It must be God. Thank you all that have prayed, called, left comments, emailed and sent so much Love our way!
For I, the Lord your God hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I will help you." _Isaiah 41:13 RSV
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Thanks for sharing!