I am so blessed to have such a great Yoga community to share the teachings with. Right here in our small town of Monroe, in a gym setting, not a yoga studio in sight, goes to show its not where you are it's who your with! We have a very committed core group of students to show up regularly and quite a few seasonal practitioners along with the weekly new drop-ins. Not your typical preyoga class atmosphere either. Each week before class there's lots of activity, chatting it up, sharing of advice, news, recipes (see this weeks offering below -YUM!) and even produce. The photo is this weeks haul for me (wish you could smell the basil - delightful)....wow, am I grateful for the commitment, energy, receptivity, open mindedness, gardening skills and most of all the love that these dedicated yogis & yoginis offer each week. Bring it on...
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Thanks for sharing!