I hope everyone is having a beautiful Mothers Day. Friday we had a sweet practice focusing on "melting the heart" dedicated to all the mothers, grandmothers, mothers-to-be, daughters and sons... just about anyone you could think of that would make your heart go all soft and mushy when you think of or remember them. My Mother's favorite tree was the Redbud Tree, it blooms in the early Spring with a bright pink flower and then as the flowers begin to fade they are replaced by "Heart shaped leaves" I had never noticed that before this year, Scott showed me and I was like WOW what a beautiful reminder of my mothers love sent each spring. It is in full bloom on her birthday March 31st and her last day with us was March 27th, 2006, by the time Mothers Day rolls around it is completely covered in messages of love and continuing life. I'm so grateful for that.
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Thanks for sharing!