I just returned from running some errands and started reading some of my favorite yoga blogs, it just came to mind how much I Love yoga! I Love taking classes, I Love my yoga teachers, I Love teaching yoga (had two super good groups this a.m., maybe that is influencing this gushing post?)I Love yoga studios, yoga workshops, yoga friends I meet, stretchy yoga clothes (spandex is so very forgiving)I Love yoga blogs & reading about other teachers experiences, noting how our situations are so very similar even though we are scattered all over the U.S. and beyond, we teach in totally different venues, have different backgrounds, have students with various skill levels and desire and yet, there is this overwhelming common thread.
I Love how the leaf of the red bud tree is shaped like a heart! ...more on that in a later post...
OK maybe love is too strong & I should be saying I am Grateful for all those things, which of course I am...how can you love something and not at the same time be grateful for it? on the flip side I guess you can be grateful for things you don't love? oh well enough of that... I guess I'm just feeling enthusiastic , inspired, dramatic? at the moment.
Happy Monday,
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Thanks for sharing!