I just returned from the Yin Yoga Teacher Training Intensive at Triangle Yoga in Chapel Hill with Sarah Powers. Wow! it was awesome. Three days packed full of information mixed with just enough Yin practice to be digestible and not overwhelming. Sarah is such a gracious and knowledgeable Teacher, she has a wonderful way of explaining these ancient teachings. Although she has a strong Yang (movement oriented)asana practice this training concentrated on the Yin (contemplative,long held floor poses)a healthy yoga practice should incorporate both. She feels there are lots of great asana yoga teachers out there which is why she travels the country sharing the benefits and tenants of Yin. I must admit my personal practice has lacked the Yin component. I plan to add some Yin to my practice for a while so that I will have a personal perspective from which to teach. I usually come home from these trainings so excited and just start sharing the new ideas in classes, I am learning that it is better to sort of let the information steep and really take hold through personal experience so that I can share more from a place of knowing. If you would like to explore further a few good books I would recommend are: Insight Yoga by Sarah Powers, Yin Yoga by Paul Grilley and Yinsights by Bernie Clark.
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