So Christmas & all of December came and went without a post...and there was so much to blog about, stranded on I-77 in 3 feet of snow for 5 hours, grateful to finally reach Snowshoe West Virgina after 19 hours of white knuckle riding, thankful for snow chains, my husbands unusual sense of calm (normally on trips my daughter and I call him "Man on Fire")his defensive driving ability and most of all a sense of humor. A trip which usually takes only 6 hours, yes we had 13 additional hours of forced family fun, bonding and togetherness. Lots of tension at the time lots of laughs and great stories now (I'm sure there's a yoga lesson in there somewhere?)I intend to write more often this year...I decided to substitute intention for resolution, it sounds softer I intend, rather than I RESOLVE to do this or not to do that. So I know, I know... I'm supposed to be very specific about changes or commitments; but, really my only New Years wish, resolution, expectation, intention,whatever you choose to call it is for the next 365 to be better than the last. I wish for all of us a very Happy, Healthy New year!
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Thanks for sharing!