Many thanks to Monroe Aquatic & Fitness Center for offering the Yoga Basics Workshop. I think it was very successful and a much needed service for the members. Too often people drop-in to a yoga class and miss out on the fundamental ideas and skills needed for a safe, healthy and enjoyable practice. Many times they feel awkward or out of place and never return to give yoga a chance to work its magic. Ideally of course its important for yoga to be taught sequentially, each class building on the last. This is in my experience never the case in either a gym or studio setting, and even if we sign up for a series more often then not (this I know from personal experience)classes are missed 'cause life happens. So this is a great opportunity to learn some foundatioal poses & what to expect from a typical yoga class. The next Basics Workshop is scheduled for February 24th @ 11:00 and will pick up where we left off. If you missed the first workshop no worries we will have a review of the material we went over and then move on from there. I will be there at 10:30 so if you want to arrive early to go over anything just pop in. Several members who attended asked if they should start with the Beginners Yoga class or the Gentle/Therapeutic class. It really just depends on what type of practice you are more comfortable with so I would suggest trying each class then decide which one serves you best.
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Thanks for sharing!